
We Feed the Hungry

Loaves & Fishes Pantry invites enthusiastic volunteers to engage in our community by assisting with client reception and bagging groceries. Under the guidance of Pantry Coordinator, Patrick, we encourage you to join us in our mission of alleviating hunger.

In addition to contributing your time at the Pantry, we encourage volunteers to explore opportunities within their church and organizations to spearhead food drives or fundraising events, amplifying our impact.

To sustain our efforts, we rely on the generosity of donors to provide essential, food items such as peanut butter, canned chicken and tuna, powdered milk, cereal, pasta, tomato sauce, as well as toiletries and socks.

Should you have any inquiries or wish to get involved, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Patrick at (619) 807-0249. He stands ready to offer guidance and support as we work together to serve those in need.

Or, fill out the form below telling us about you!